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Nourishing America
when it matters most

For 143 years, Quaker has been honored to have a seat at the table, nourishing families across America. Today, we’re dedicated to feeding those in need more than ever – because bringing people together is what we do best. That’s why Quaker has donated more than 6 million servings of Quaker products to those most in need – and we’ll continue to look for ways to provide help to all as we navigate these unprecedented times together as one family.

The health and safety of our frontline workers, consumers and the communities we serve are of the utmost importance to us. In a broader effort to help provide relief to those in need, our PepsiCo family, through The PepsiCo Foundation, has activated resources to provide food and other essential relief to help those affected by COVID-19 by:

  • Donating $50 million to bring food and other vital resources to those in need
  • Providing 50 million nutritious meals to at-risk populations
  • Providing essential relief to 40+ countries across the globe
  • Teaming up with 35+ partners to support communities around the world
  • Launching a $7 million initiative to provide increased medical and economic aid to African American and Latino communities that have been disparately affected by COVID-19.

To learn more about how The PepsiCo Foundation is supporting the people and communities affected by COVID-19 visit