Explore the power of the oat
Oats and Satiety
The role of meal viscosity and oat β-glucan characteristics in human appetite control: a randomized crossover trial.
Effects of Oatmeal and Corn Flakes Cereal Breakfasts on Satiety, Gastric Emptying, Glucose, and Appetite-Related Hormones.
Oat Avenanthramides
Antioxidants in Grains and Health: Is there a Linkage? American Association of Cereal Chemists International Annual Meeting 2013.
Avenanthramide supplementation attenuates exercise-induced inflammation in postmenopausal women.
Physicochemical Properties and Biological Functionality of Oats from the 247th Annual Conference of the American Chemical Society.
Oats and Whole Body Health
Oats, More than Just a Whole Grain, 2014 British Journal of Nutrition Supplement.