Light Crust
Here are some helpful solutions for the common causes:
Insufficient proteinSOLUTION
The natural sugars in dairy products enhance crust color. Substitute milk for the water in your recipe.
Insufficient sugarSOLUTION
Sugar plays many roles in yeast breads, including browning. The most important role of sugar in baking yeast breads is to provide "food" for the yeast. Yeast breads without sugar will not rise properly, if at all. The amount of sugar called for in non-sweet yeast breads should not cause a problem for most diabetics. If, however, you still wish to use a non-caloric sugar substitute instead of sugar, use a recipe that has been specifically developed for the specific sugar substitute. The crust color most likely will be light.
Too much saltSOLUTION
Salt can lighten the color of baked bread. Try decreasing the amount of salt by 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon.
Bread is underbakedSOLUTION
Unlike most baked products, shiny aluminum pans are not the first choice of expert bread bakers. Breads baked in shiny metal pans often need to bake longer. The choice of expert bread bakers is a dark heavy-gauge steel pan.
Incorrect oven temperatureSOLUTION
Oven thermostats can vary over time, requiring adjustments by the baker or calibration by a professional. To insure the correct temperature each time you bake, always use an oven thermometer. Place it in the center of the oven. Adjust oven dial up or down to correct the oven temperature.
Recipe you are preparing is meant to be a lighter-colored breadSOLUTION
- The perfect loaf of bread is different for different people. If you like the flavor and texture of the loaf you baked but prefer a darker crust, try one of the following before baking:
- Brush the bread with egg wash (egg mixed with milk or water) or milk.
- Types of Yeast Breads
- Making Batter Breads
- Making Kneaded Breads
- Special Equipment for Yeast Breads
- Baking Tips for Yeast Breads
- Cooling Yeast Breads
- Storage & Freezing Yeast Breads